My Top 10 Video Games

This is just a fun little list I made that show cases 10 of my favorite video games. This was a cool way to learn the basics of html and css and it gives insight on myself and my favorite hobby.

1. Call of Duty Black Ops 1

Call of Duty Black Ops 1, or "CoDBo1", is a casual first person shooter, fps for short, where the player can decide to play online with other real people or offline by themselves to complete a mission. When I played this game I would go online with my friends from school and play a bunch of game modes such as domination, team deathmatch, and demolition. In each of these game modes we would be given an objective and we would have to complete this objective against real people. This game means a lot to me because I would have a common interest with a lot of kids in my middle school and we would become friends. We would play this game every day when we came home and it would be a lot of fun. I have many good memories playing this game and playing the zombies gamemode. This is why this game comes in number one on my list.

2. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, or "CSGO", is a competitive first person shooter where two teams of five have to complete their objective to get sixteen rounds (points) first. There are two teams, the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists, and each team has a specific objective to get a round. The terrorists need to eliminate the counter terrorists or have to plant a bomb (at either of the two bomb sites) which has to explode. The Counter-Terrorists have to defend the bomb sites by eliminating the terrorists or defusing the bomb. It sounds simple but it is not at all, there are a lot of strategies and skill going into this game. The game has a pro scene where pro players compete for prize pools of large sums of money. This game is very intense and a lot of fun. Through this game I have made a ton of friends in high school and some that I am really close with. This game comes in second because of how fun, intense, and addicting it is.

3. Call of Duty World at War

Call of Duty World at War, or "CoDWaW",is part of the Call of Duty franchise too so it is the basically the same thing as Black Ops 1 except for different guns, maps, singleplayer, and some new gamemodes. This game was the first real video game I was ever into. Being nine years old my brother and I had to convince my mom to let me play this game, when she finally did I had so much fun. I only had one other friend that played video games at the time and we would be on 24/7. I remember pretending to be sick just to stay home from school and play this game. This game is precious to me because without this game I don’t think I would still be playing video games. This game will always be in my top five of any list including video games no matter what.

4. League of Legends

League of Legends, or "LoL", is a competitive massive online battle arena where two teams of five face off to destroy each other's nexus. The nexus is the defend by eleven towers and minions that spawn. The map is identical for each team creating a fair fight. Everybody must chose a champion to play for the entire game and would have to face off another champion. Each champion is a real person but minions are all AI. This game being the number one most eSports has a lot of popularity and a lot of money in it too. This game has the biggest pro scene and the biggest amount of players. According to this article, they get 27 million players each day and 67 million players each month. Players from all over the world come to compete for millions of dollars. This game is some of the most fun I have had in awhile.

5. Super Smash Bros Brawl

Super Smash Bros Brawl, or "SSB", is a fighting game where you and three other friends each fight with one character from a large selection to knock each other out of the stage and last one left wins. Whenever friends would come over this is the game to play. It’s hard to play other games because they are either singleplayer or you can only connect one more friend. When you have a bunch of people this game is great to play. It’s a very fun and unique game using a bunch of Nintendo owned characters to fight: Sonic, Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and much more. This game is more family friendly than the others on the list because of the cartoon fighting style and no blood. Definitely a game to have when a great amount of people come other. This game was a lot of fun and I’ve had many great times playing this game.

6. Minecraft

Minecraft is a massive multiplayer online sandbox game where you can literally do anything, yes everything. You can make a house, fight a dragon, even facetime a friend . The possibilities are endless and create a lot of fun. This game is a community driven game, that means people create mods for this game that add extra content/gamemodes. This is kind of the perfect game because new content will never stop coming out with modders and people won’t stop playing the game because of all the new content. It is a never ending cycle of success and it is a reason why in my childhood I loved the game. This was my first PC Game and this got me into a lot of other PC Games on this list. (CSGO and LoL) This game also helped me create friendships all over the world and thats why this game is number six.

7. GTA V

Grand Theft Auto V, or GTA V, is a massive multiplayer online game where there is no true objective unless you play singleplayer. You can do whatever you want and in this game you mainly break laws. Since you have the freedom of shooting random civilians and getting a tank on the streets this game is very violent. Definitely not a kid friendly game and I remember when I asked to buy this I had to get the friendliest trailer for my mom and make sure my mom was in a good mood. This game was a lot of fun and I had many good times. This is one of the few games that I took the time to complete the single player since there were many different outcomes and a really good story.

8. H1Z1 King of the Kill

H1Z1 King of the Kill, or KotK, is a massive multiplayer online game where the objective is to be the last one standing. Just picture the Hunger Games but in a video game. That is basically what that is, you are spawned in a massive map and you must find guns, backpacks, and other equipment to survive. You will kill anyone else and every five minutes the map will spawn toxic gas to push every survivor closer to each other. This game is very different from a lot of the other games on this list and that is why I love it. Because they took an idea from a famous movie/book and made it into a video game. It became an instant success and actually is bigger than the main part of the game which is a survival mode against zombies.

9. GMod

Garry’s Mod, or Gmod, is a sandbox game where like Minecraft, you can do anything you want. Since it is a PC game you can download tons of free mods which enable/adds other features into your game. Gmod is different than Minecraft because Gmod is basically tons of games into one. You buy Gmod and you can play the default sandbox gamemode or you can play a bunch of custom game modes that players create. Some of these game modes include Trouble in Terrorist Town, Murder, Prop Hunt, and much more… My personal favorite is Trouble in Terrorist Town where in a town of 20/30 people, there are three spies trying to kill the innocent. In each town there are two detectives trying to figure out who the traitors are. Whatever team is last standing wins, and the teams include innocent and detectives verse the traitors. This game includes loads of different game modes which are very fun.

10. Pokemon Diamond

Pokemon Diamond is a role playing game (rpg) that is probably one of the most well-known games. In every Pokemon game you are a young kid trying to become the best Pokemon trainer out there. You are also trying to catch all of the Pokemon for the Professor in your town who is doing a study on Pokemon. This was a big game in my childhood and also big in my family since I have two older siblings who played the game as well. Pokemon is a great game and is still growing and creating new games. It is a big game and I think it will be around for a long time, it also has its own TV Show and card game. This game was a lot of fun and I sometimes still play it.